Ekomilk iBOND Integrated Milk Collection Station

Integrated Milk Collection Station Ekomilk iBOND

  • Fast and cost effective analysis of the key milk ingredients content – fat, solids non fat (SNF), protein, milk density (CLR) of cow, buffalo or mixed (cow/buffalo) milk and added water to milk as well.
  • On-field comfortable, fast and cost effective way for collecting, processing and saving all data about the volume and quality of the milk supplied by each of the milk vendors
  • Flexible way for fast (real time) calculating of the payment amounts for each of the milk vendors
  • Easy data transfer by an USB Flash drive (pen), SMS or e-mail to a PC, FTP Server.

Ekomilk iBOND Integrated Milk Collection Station

  • Fast Analysis – allows a large number of measurements to be done;
  • Simple and lightweight design;
  • +12V DC and 220V (or 110V optional) AC Power supply;
  • Cost effective:
    • Low power consumption;
    • Very small quantity of milk required;
    • No acid or other chemicals are used;
    • Measuring accuracy adjustment can be done by the user;
    • Two independent RS 232 COM ports;
    • Four USB Host ports with Mass Storage, and Numeric keyboard support;
    • ESC Printer Support on both RS232 and USB interfaces.
    • Data Collection System with vast (practically unlimited) memory space.